MOSQUITO CONTROL SERVICES IN PUNE Mosquito is vectors of many diseases such as malaria, yellow fever, filariasis, dengue, chikungunya. Most female mosquitos require a blood meal before they can produce a batch of eggs. Anopheles, culex & Aedes are the most common species of mosquitoes. Mosquito control is a vital public-health practice throughout the world and especially in the tropics because mosquitoes spread many diseases, such as malaria and the Zika virus. Depending on the situation, source reduction, biocontrol, larviciding (killing of larvae), or adulticiding (killing of adults) may be used to manage mosquito populations. These techniques are accomplished using habitat modification, pesticide, biological-control agents, and trapping. We employ a scientific and integrated approach to ridding the premises of mosquitoes. We can provide a simple yet highly effective service to eradicate mosquitoes from your home and office. Our package of mosquito control pest contro...